Monday, October 30, 2006


Ethan and I are so ready for Cohen to be here. The nights are getting hard to sleep thanks to achey legs and hips - and Ethan cant seem to sleep through my snoring. We did buy our crib ( )this weekend and Ethan has it all put together so his rooom is starting to look like a real nursery. I cant believe I have 7 more weeks to go, I just want him to be here now.

They say the home stretch is always the hardest and the longest and I understand that now. The days go by so slow and my mind is preopcupied by by growing stomach and all the movements and contractions I feel inside. Maybe this blog will be a good way to pass the next few weeks since Im sure Ethan is tired of listening to me complain about being achey and a guy can only look at all the baby things so many times before getting tired of it.

My new project is the bumper. I finally found the material that 5 fabric stores failed to have. Its called sandcaslte. I need to order that today in light blue....

Ok well thats all for now, I need to get back to the work I have been putting off ....

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